Blog Down
Very recently I went to write another blog post and watched in horror when my wordpress login didn’t show up and was replaced with a free domain parking site that had my domain on it. What? What’s this? So I head over to my Go Daddy page and hurriedly click to where my various accounts are at and I don’t see my wordpress account listed at all. What’s going on? Of course I used some expletives that I won’t type here.
I decide to call them and when I finally got a person he at first sounded nice. When I explained to him what was happening he paused as he looked at my account and told me they had a problem with my credit card, had emailed me 8 times and then deleted it. My heart stopped. He didn’t say sorry or let me help you work through this, he merely stated that they deleted it. So I asked, “So what you are saying is all of my blogs are gone?” He responded with, “Yes we can get them back for you but it will cost you $180.” He asked if I had backed them up. I had not. Then he said well if you had, this is how you would do it. Now I’m a techy girl but he zoomed through the instructions which most of it I didn’t understand and he expected me to know. I was like Ahhhh ok…
Yes it was my mistake. I had realized my card was bad, and had gone on there to correct it. When I asked why it hadn’t been used to pay for my other accounts he said because I had switch off the auto pay option. Wow I didn’t remember doing that. I hadn’t backed up my site which was my fault. So now I have to start completely over. I was paying for my wordpress and had installed it and enjoyed the freedom to use much more robust plugins for my widgets. Now I just don’t know. I had also wanted this option because it was my data and I wanted control of it. Well that didn’t turn out very well. Blog Down.
So for now until I decide what route I want to go, I’m using this blog. Realistically it’s the content not the plugins and widgets that matter so the logical side of me feels this is the right choice. I’m so heartbroken over this. I had some nice blogs out there and now they are gone. I even had a regular website which is also gone. They said I could bring that one back with no charge for restore but the way the guy treated me is making me hesitate. Even though it was my mistake I felt like he should have been a bit more caring. It’s allot of time invested. Oh well. For now this is my new home. So if you are looking at the dates on my latest posts and see the most recent is last year, that’s why. A whole year of blogging gone. Lesson learned. Back up your blogs.